Thursday, April 15, 2010

Top 10 Projects: Part Two

Hello all. First of all, might I say I am very glad you guys are enjoying this blog and this countdown. I'm always looking for ways to branch the game out, and I think this blog is an important step in the right direction. Remember, you have until early May to turn in a write up of your personal favorite project for a chance to get a guaranteed spot in season seven. This is especially important for any current All Stars looking to play this round. Basically, All Stars are back ups. There might be a chance we might cast one or two, but demand for this season is going to be intense, and there's only 14 spots. It is very likely to turn into a true casting process. Along with the guaranteed spot, the winner will also receive a special mystery power. Details will be provided over PM. With that out of the way, let's get to the countdown!

8. Middle Earth River Adventure (Romanarms. Season Five, Semi Finals)

You know, for all the flack Season Five gets overall (Basically for being the season that Mater got screwed and eliminated second on a stupid grading technicality.) season five did have many controversial events. It might not of been the smoothest or most competitive season ever, but it WAS probably the most controversial.

Perhaps one of the most controversial twists the game has ever seen occurred around the time of the final five. It was a twist that was both anticipated and dreaded. That's right, I'm talking about working on non Disney parks. Not only were they working on non Disney parks, the entire last THREE projects were ALL going to be outside of their comfort zone, in Universal Studios. KingMickey, a frontrunner after his near victory in Season Four, actually quit over the controversy regarding the twist and regarding Mater's outing. Just thinking about how outside of the comfort zone everything got in those chaotic last three projects, I've got to hand it to Romanarms, because he managed to REALLY pull out a gem here. What makes this project so impressive is how it really managed to shine in perhaps the most shaky time in the game's entire history.

First of all, let me just say the the greatest strength of the project is what I was looking for all a long, and that was a faithful adaptation of PETER JACKSON'S Middle Earth. This was, after all, Universal Studios. For my record, Jurassic Park is just a much a theme park masterpiece as Pirates of the Caribbean. Blasphemy you might say? Well, say what you will, but honestly the way that ride is put together, it really feels like a complete and utter adventure in five minutes. A journey into another world. Not to mention the scary parts are actually pretty intense, and the drop is one of the most gut wrenching in history. I don't know, I just have a real soft spot for it. Maybe it's because the first time I went to Disneyland, my family stopped by Universal on the way. I think as an eleven year old, the five minute adventure with the giant reptiles captivated me just as much as the sixteen minute, more subtle journey with the pirates. (But seriously...Johnny Depp detracts points from the ride as a whole. I'm sorry, it just has to be said.)

Anyways, my point is that this was the type of thing I wanted to see in this project, except using Middle Earth instead of Jurassic Park. Romanarms, an underdog from season three who would later go on to win season five, easily nailed this concept. I love how he squeezes so much into so little time. Also, HUGE bonus points for having different variations of the ride at the various parks. I've had my own idea for Middle Earth River Adventure, one that I might just unleash one day. Until then, I think Romarms with this project more than perfectly captures the excitement of a theme park journey to Middle Earth.

Alright Folks. Well, I wanted to get two projects into this part, but rest assured, tomorrow morning I will be unveiling number seven. It's just seriously my bed time, and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. Haha. Well, look for number seven tomorrow, and I hope you are enjoying the countdown. Remember, applications for Season Seven will be posted in early May. Keep your eyes peeled.


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