Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Home Stretch, Part Two

Hello everyone. Sorry I've been so late to getting this blog out. I'm not going to have much of an introduction, just jump to my thoughts on each of the Final Five. I'll start with the two people currently on Outcast Island.

Thrill: Thrill has been a really interesting presence this season. Most of the things he's memorable for have nothing to do with creative gameplay. He's been sent to Outcast Island twice, and he was also involved in the demise of early villain StarWarsGeek. He made a really good solo project last round, and is now competing against the most powerful person in the game for a chance to get into the Final Three. I hate to say it, but I really can't see how Thrill can survive this next round. Disneyson is just TOO good of a competitor, and he's been heavily researching Lost more than anyone this season. Sadly, I think Thrill will end up finishing in fifth place this season. Even at fifth place, that's still a pretty good standing for someone's first season against a ton of huge competitors. Thrill's a scrappy personality who I could definitely see having a more powerful game in a future season.

Disneyson: Disneyson is like the Brenchal of So, You Want to be an Imagineer (if anyone else is familiar with Big Brother) he's just a perfect storm of a player that the entire rest of the cast revolves their attention around. The moment that everyone was waiting to happen finally happened last project, and Disneyson was sent to Outcast Island when Futureimagineer, AdvBlueDude, and Imagineer teamed up to vote him out. Now that he's there, however, he actually has an easier road to get to the finals than he would have otherwise. It seems that every seemingly bad thing that's happened to Disneyson this season has ended up working towards his benefit. Team Davinson gets dissolved, and the end result is Disneyson getting his hands on the Golden Power of MVP, something that couldn't have happened had he been in his previous Team Leader position. The thing about Disneyson is that he's coasted to the finals...but has he really DONE anything? I mean, of course he's got a very good creative game, but as this season proves, this game is more than just being creative. I think after the Portal project, Disneyson tried his hardest to steer clear of his potential "Napoleon Complex", but even still, he WAS sent to Outcast Island, and when Adv and Imagineer came back, he was barely even in a Team Leader position. I think Disneyson winning or being a runner up depends on how good of an argument he can come up with for the components of his gameplay beyond just doing good projects.

And now I'll address the people still in the main game...

AdvBlueDude: No matter what happens this season, I think AdvBlueDude has earned his right as a "Superstar" of the game. If you throw him into a season, he WILL make the semi-finals. What can I say about him? He's just a really consistent, high quality player, who is as good with getting along with other players as he is with his own creative energy. The question of course is...will he finally make the finals this time, or will he suffer some absurd, Shakespearean bout of irony and get eliminated RIGHT before the finals for the third season in a row. Either way, he's a huge character in the game that has been built up over the past three seasons, and whatever result this season brings, I don't think he's going to go away any time soon. He's been through it all this season. He was the first victim of Outcast Island, got back into the main game, got sent back to Outcast Island almost immediately, and then finally got back into the main game for a second time. A lot of his gameplay this season has been him reacting to the twists more than anything else. Obviously he has a strong creative game going on, but given the circumstances I think he hasn't been able to use that nearly as much as he would have liked to. If he makes the Final Three, he's got a strong argument in his favor just because he's managed to navigate all these twists and still get to the end.

Hack2112: When it comes down to it, I think Hack is just about THE most interesting person to play this season. Everyone should know his story by now. He was eliminated in 8th place in Fans vs. Favorites only to come back into the game and get eliminated again by KingMickey, Trevor, and Mater. (And...rather or not that was a strategic move or not...STILL up for debate...) He could have been a major contender in Season Eight if not for a personal crisis, and now in Season Nine, while he hasn't really been what I would describe as a "power player", he's perhaps the most consistent player of the season. He's now the last man standing on Team Coats, who had the highest score at the end of the first round of team play. Throughout the season, he's managed to never get sent to Outcast Island (though he would have been sent there with Disneyson this past round had Futureimagineer not dropped out, which is why Future gets the title of the only person to never get sent to Outcast Island this season...) and he's been a consistently good team player. Having said that, the interesting thing about Hack is that he is definitely an opinionated player, and when those opinions don't jive with that of his team, he usually goes on the offense side of things. During the first project, he refused to participate in the giant mes of a brainstorming session. Similarly, during the movie project last time around, he stated his case against the Alien Encounter movie, but after it was shot down, he pretty much went into hiding. Hack is someone who plans out every action in this game, and for that reason I think that if he makes the Final Three he's going to be a VERY dangerous player. I think in terms of sheer creativity, Disneyson has him beat by a slim margin, but in terms of social and strategic dynamics, I'm pretty sure Hack can make better arguments for the way he played. Either way, Hack is a rebel of a contestant and I'm very much rooting for him.

Imagineer2017: Even outside of So, You Want to be an Imagineer, he's a great personality and I feel really lucky that he happened to stroll through our parts one day. Imagineer is like a new model of AdvBlueDude. Just a player who is REALLY consistent, both in terms of being a good (if outspoken) team player, and in terms of coming up with great ideas. Outside of that, he co-hosts the D-History Podcast with Strat, a partnership that also co-runs Festival of Imagination. In less than a year on the board, Imagineer has become one of So, You Want to be an Imagineer's most valued resources. Imagineer's storyline this season mostly revolves around how he was in a really good position before getting sent to Outcast Island. Well..he's STILL in a good position. The thing is, he's competing against Hack and AdvBlueDude, and both of these guys want to make the finals REALLY bad. I'm sure Imagineer wants to make the finals just as much, but the other two just have more motivation. I think Hack's really out to WIN this time around. (Remember back in my Cast Assessment..."no returning player has ever had more to prove than Hack does right here...right now."?) and I think AdvBlueDude wants to make the finals by any means necessary, perhaps more than anyone in the history of the semi-finals. What do I think will happen? Based on what Hack's already told me about his Lost project, I honestly think he has this one in the bag. This means, it's going to be a showdown between friends and game allies AdvBlueDude and Imagineer to get that last slot. One thing I know for sure is it's going to be a REALLY close call, and I'm going to seriously hate eliminating either one of them.

Well, that's it for now. I really think you guys when all is said and done, even though the format might be a bit controversial, will be rather pleased with what I'm asking for from the Final Project. There's going to be a creative element to it that's going to go a long way towards spicing up the overall material. There's also going to be an entirely new grading criteria strictly for the final project. Also, I know I haven't talked about it much on the blogs, but I REALLY hope you guys are all following Strat's Outcast Island audio series. I think Strat's come a long way with these things this season. They started out as just silly little vignettes, but now they've evolved to fully produced, well acted, fully scripted radio dramas. The addition of Raine as Alias I think REALLY gave the series an identity. The Alias character is going to be CRUCIAL to the rest of the So, You Want to be an Imagineer storyline. (As is Frankensmith and Duke Ellington...) The season finale, "A Tale of Three Cities" is an artistic endeavor that I'm REALLY plunging myself into. Either it's going to be a huge, bloated mess...or you guys are going to be completely blown away. As a teaser, here is the first part of the script, which is a flashback to Alias pre-Outcast Island...

Audio journal entry. May 23rd, 2010. the end. The end in a lot of different senses of the word. Lost is over. It's airing right now, as we speak. So why am I not in my room right now, nerding it up for those precious two and a half ours the series has left? Well...quiet frankly Season Six has been kind of a drag, and I've got more important things on my mind...believe it or not.

For the past six months, I've been investigating the legend of Mr. One Way. If there's one thing I love more than Lost, it's Disneyland, and if there's one thing I love more than Disneyland, it's ghost hunting. So naturally, the legend of Mr. One Way kind of fits hand in hand with my oh-so-eccentric personality. Now, if you don't know, Mr. One Way is supossedly the ghost who haunts Space Mountain. He's not just any ghost though. This is a ghost that will talk and interact with you. As a matter of fact, his whole act is that he bumps into you at the loading station, posing as a tourist. Bad Hawaiian shirt, balding scalp, beer gut, sunburn and all. He'll lure you into riding with him, that's why he only goes after single riders, and then, as the legend goes, he disappears from your car as soon as the flash picture is taken. I've been going to the park for months now investigating this. I've had many conversations with One Way. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I can call him One Way to his face, and he'll just smile knowingly. He KNOWS he's a ghost, and if people catch on to him, he'll congratulate them for being all the more clever. He told me to be on the last ride of the night tonight, so here I am. I'll save Lost for DVR, this is life...or...afterlife were talking about. It's not every night you get a personal meeting with a famous ghost.

I promise you, this finale will blow......MINDS!!! In the meantime, good luck to all people in the semi-finals and sorry again for taking so long with this blog.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Home Stretch

Hello, all you armchair Imagineers out there. Season Nine really has been a roller coaster of a season, hasn't it? I mean be honest, yeah...there have been a bit too many post-merge drop outs (which are always a real drag) but in the end, that still doesn't change the fact at all that the end game for this season really is as competitive as it comes. Season Nine has been filled with players who really want to play the game, even the ones who dropped out due to scheduling conflicts. Every single person who played the game this time around really contributed something of interest, rather it was MickeyMania becoming a powerhouse and then being the first elimination, to Eskimokyle looking to be an early strong competitor and then vanishing into thin air. These players might not have lasted long, but they had an impact and a presence on the season all their own.

Now we come to five people. AdvBlueDude, Disneyson1, Hack2112, Imagineer2017, and Thrill. Two of them on Outcast Island, three of them in the main game. Imagineer and AdvBlueDude have worked together really well this season on a couple projects on Outcast Island, but other than that nobody in the three people left in the main game really has any sort of big interaction with each other. Hack is the last man standing on what once was Team Coats, and Imagineer and AdvBlueDude have spent a considerable chunk of their game time on Outcast Island. Now on Outcast Island, Disneyson and Thrill have worked closely together in the past, even so much as to me thinking in particular occasions that Disneyson was almost protecting Thrill. The two of them must now face off for a slot in the finals. It really is anyone's game. I'm going to split this blog into two sections. The first section will be my thoughts and scores from Project Nine, and the second part will be analyzing each member of the Final Five and weighing in on what their chances are and what they'll have to do to win...

I'll start with Thrill's solo project. Since I can't grade on Group Work, I'll just give him a grade out of 40...

Creativity: 9/10. I really like the idea of basing a whole land on a film series. If you guys would have gone with the Main Street musical, let me just say I would have LOOOVED that. Anyways, I've always thought Thunder Mesa was one of the best example of storytelling encompassing a land that has ever been attempted, so it's only a natural fit for a film franchise.

Realism: 9/10. I think the best part of your project was just how much sense it made to have a backstory filled movie and then a "Phantom Manor" movie. There's SO much backstory about Phantom Manor that I really feel like if you just jumped into that with the first film, people would be lost. Plus, you KNOW Phantom Manor would definitely be a sequel people would WANT to go see.

Detail: 7/10. You had a lot of detail for the set-up, but seemed to kind of rush it a bit with the description of the Phantom film.

Presentation: 8/10. Basic, but very effective.

Total: 33/40

Comments: This was a really good idea. I'll admit that from the get-go with this project, I was hoping someone would do Thunder Mountain. While you didn't exactly do that, you did something that was even more creative and original. I'd like to have seen a bit more detail on what you planned to do with the Phantom movie, and possible sequels beyond that, but overall I thought this was really strong, especially for a solo project. Nice work!

And now for the final project from Team Davis...

Creativity: 7/10. I kind of agree with Hack on this one. "Company scandal" isn't exactly an original premise these days. It seems like every other TV show that comes out is about that to some extent or another.

Realism: 8/10. I REALLY like the titles Alien Encounter: Corruption and Alien Encounter: Chaos. Seem like two perfect films. I mean, I didn't really like the whole corruption thing to begin with, but this storyline was handled really well overall. Alien Encounter is DEFINITELY a franchise I could see Disney looking into.

Detail: 9/10. Nice work as always. All the necessary elements are there and then some.

Presentation: 6/10. You guys got sloppy here. First of all there's no title or team name which is always a bad thing. Secondly, you named your main character but then forgot to go back and take out all the times he's refereed to as just (character).

Group Work: 7/10. Personally, I think Hack had some VERY valid points that were kind of just glossed over. I understand you guys were already working on Alien Encounter...but it was only the SECOND day of the project and you had over a week. I definitely think there should have been stronger communication here instead of just writing Hack off. I understand that might not have been your intentions, but in doing so you guys essentially alienated an entire fifth of your team.

Total: 37/50

I know this isn't as good of as score as you guys hoped to get. Just know for next season, the opinion from EVERYONE on your team matters. I think this project was fine, but I also thought it was a bit predictable, kind of bent my rules since Alien Encounter isn't even there anymore (though out of all the Yesterland attractions, I could easily see AE having the greatest chance at a "re-boot".) and like I said, the whole "oh my god, it's a big corporation, and it's...CORRUPT." Just had me face-palming. I DID like the casting of Andrew Garfield as your main character.

That concludes the first half of this blog. The second half I'll take an individual look at the Final Five and analyze how they got this far in the first place and what their chances are to take the whole thing. Look for that some time this weekend.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Turning Points

Hey guys. I'm really sorry I've taken this blog into a state of near neglect again. It's been one hell of a busy summer for me, between running this game and making leaps and bounds in my social life, not to mention my insane desire to go up and meditate on a hill every freaking day these days, means that getting the commentaries up really fell by the wayside. Now that we've really reached the final home-stretch of the season, I feel there's more than enough material for me to come out of my Big Brother live feeds induced hibernation for a bit of a rundown of what's been going on.

First of all, let me talk about the projects this season. If any of you remember, one of my biggest selling points while marketing Season Nine, besides obviously the whole Outcast Island angle, was the fact that the projects this season were going to completely change the way you viewed the game. some cases, that was definitely a true statement, the projects just changed people's opinions of the game for the worst. Make no mistake, I absolutely PROMISE you that Season Ten will be a return to more traditionalist projects. Of course there will still be projects that step outside your comfort zone (after all, isn't that a big part of what it takes to be successful in this game in the first place?) but in general it won't this. There won't be like eight off the wall projects with a couple normal ones. We were kind of aiming for the stratosphere a little bit...and we missed.

I think one of the biggest mistakes in NINE seasons running So, You Want to be an Imagineer that I ever made was going with that stupid Tourist Trap project RIGHT after the Chuck E. Cheese project. I mean...that's a real *facepalm* right there. We had both the Tourist Trap and the Alien Encounter project in the works, but due to scheduling conflicts could only do one or the other, and I went with Tourist Trap, resulting in probably THE least engaging project in the game's entire history. I have absolutely no hard feelings on you guys not completing that one. It was a total lame duck of a project and I should have just gone with Alien Encounter to begin with. Make no mistake, the Alien Encounter project will still resurface at some point.

So yeah, projects six and seven really weren't the game's shining moments. In fact, during this time period there was a lot of speculation that the game was taking a dive in quality...and then came Batman. It's always bugged me how there's no clear, definitive Batman ride. Sure, there's a bunch of off-the-shelf Six Flags coasters littered around the country, but in terms of any sort of full blown effects...I mean, how is it that as far as I know, there's not even a working Batman AA in existence? That just seems CRAZY to me, because of the character's huge, nearly mythological standing in pop culture.

The two rides created for the Batman project were really different, but each had its own unique traits. The Outcast project had a really good flow of villains, while Team Davis just boggled my mind with their complex (for a theme park attraction) plot, details, and great lines for Robin. The project Team Davis presented is just one of those projects where I just read along, nodding and smiling approvingly the whole way. Now that you guys are actually excited about the movie project (as I said, I was REALLY worried you guys were going to take it as yet another "off the wall" project that wasn't "real Imagineering"...which...technically, the project really ISN'T) I think this season is really saving itself.

In terms of events, twists, and overall tone-shifts, Season Nine has been quiet the roller coaster. Everything that's happened, in my opinion, happened very naturally. Who would have guessed that MickeyMania and Basketbuddy would be eliminated almost immediately, or that ManEatingWreath wouldn't even make the merge? So is the case with this unpredictable season. We've had some bold power moves this season, most notably I'd say DWorld sending Imagineer to Outcast Island as part of the Outsider's Ceremony (a move which I think single-handily got DWorld All Star status...) We've seen AdvBlueDude, one of the most charismatic and story-driven personalities the game has ever seen, get sent to Outcast Island on two consecutive occasions. We've seen Team Coats go from a powerhouse of a team to the underdog duo of Futureimagineer and Hack, who now are outnumbered within the final merge tribe. At the center of it all, we've seen Disneyson1 rule the game with an iron fist and not even come close to getting sent to Outcast Island. In terms of who is making the Final Three, the only person I would absolutely bet the bank on would be Disneyson. If he doesn't make it to the final project, I will be absolutely stunned. It seems like an inevitability at this point.

But the big question is, who else will make the Final Three, and will ANYONE be able to stop Disneyson from playing the single most dominate and "steam-roll"-y game in the game's history? I think if anyone's going to do it, it's either going to be AdvBlueDude and Imagineer2017, who both have resurfaced from Outcast Island after Monkey and CostaFreak consecutively dropped out. Imagineer2017 was in the single BEST position of anyone come the merge. He was a strong game-player who lead Team Baxter to an eventual victory after a lot of team shuffling. More importantly, he didn't have NEARLY the target on his back that Disneyson did. That all changed when DWorld made, perhaps the move that DEFINED the entire season in sending Imagineer to Outcast Island. Now that Imagineer is back in the main game, he's really gunning for this. Honestly out of everyone left in the cast, I'd have to say I'm rooting for him to win the most. Yes...I am sort of playing favorites. Hey, don't look at me. Probst is notorious for it. (*cue Jeff Probst calling Boston Rob the greatest Survivor ever*) I do think it's kind of funny that right now I'm rooting really hard for my "rival" from last season, but hey...the thing I love about So, You Want to be an Imagineer is that no matter what happens in the game, were all friends here and there's no ill feelings.

Hack is a REALLY interesting character. Well...I don't have to tell you that. Just look at how much of a (wait for it...) WILDCARD he is. Seriously though, Hack has had a long road this season. He was the secret weapon of Team Coats, but slid somewhat under-the-radar come merge. He's now emerged yet again as someone who is really vocal about brainstorming. Hack now faces a potentially game-ending cross-roads though, as he is opposed to the idea that literally everyone else on his team is running with. Hack really stood up for not going with an Alien Encounter movie, and sadly I think that's going to put a target on his back. I think this is going to be the first and only project where sheer amount of activity won't be the primary factor in sending someone to Outcast Island. I hope Hack can survive, and either way he's been a hell of a competitor and will still get one last chance on Outcast Island.

Futureimagineer. If you go through all my blogs this season, this kid really is the person I probably talk about the most out of anyone. I still think it's funny how I thought he had almost no shot of going far in this game, and what do you know, he's now holding the final PoMVP and will be in the main game come semi-finals. Do I think he can make the Final Three? That really depends on how strong he is on his own. The semi-finals are going to be the first time this season that each individual player will present their own project. Futureimagineer's great strength has been how good of a TEAM player he is. He's going to really have to knock one out of the park if he wants the slot in the final three NOT already reserved for Disneyson or an Outcast Island person. If I were to bet, I'd be kind of surprised to see him make it past the semi-finals, but hey, even making the semi-finals in the first place while NEVER being sent to Outcast Island is in my opinion a HUGE accomplishment for a first-time player, so wherever he ends up he should be super proud of himself for how he played the game this season.

And finally, there's AdvBlueDude. If there's one question mark in the cast, it's him. We've barely even see him play this season due to all the Outcast Island shenanigans. When he does get the chance to shine though, he certainly brings his all. The one thing that follows him around though, is the fact that he's never made the finals and always gotten eliminated at the last spot before the finals. Will this happen again? I certainly hope not, because I would feel horrible for him. Having said that, there is definitely the potential for that scenario to arise. Only two people from the Final Four will be advancing to Final Three (along with one person on Outcast Island) and Disneyson is practically guaranteed a slot. Assuming for a second that Hack gets sent to Outcast this round, that would mean that AdvBlueDude's main competition would be none other than Imagineer2017. Either way, SOMEBODY is not going to make the Final Three and will not be happy about it. That's sadly just the way the game works. I think every person in the Final Five deserves to be in the Final Three, but of course that just can't happen.

This season really has been a success, I think. If anything, it's better than Season Eight. The events have all been really unpredictable, everyone has been playing their own unique game (which will be really interesting to see where that goes come final project time...) and the quality of projects have dramatically increased the last few rounds. That, and in my opinion Outcast Island overall was a smashing success of a concept that will definitely be implemented again in the future. I'd like to thank all of you for participating and putting up with this season with all its various peaks and valleys. The game would be nothing without the people who compete in it, and really I have no idea how you guys do it. However you do it, you're doing a great job. Thanks for the wonderful season guys, and here's to many more. (Don't worry, this won't be the last blog post of the season...)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Project Portal Commentary, Part Two

Sup, peeps.

Alright, before we get into the things I teased about at the end of the last blog, we have some breaking news to get to regarding Outcast Island, which is where part one left off. The Outsiders Ceremony has been used, and DWorld is now back in the main game. I said before that DWorld was Team Bluth's MVP last project, so him jumping on an opprotunity to really compete doesn't really surprise me. What does kind of shock me, however, is who he decided to send to Outcast Island in his place. Let me take this time to give my thoughts on Imagineer2017.

Imagineer is now one of the most colorful characters to emerge from the game in the past few years. In the days of my "evil reign" in Season Eight, after Disneyson got eliminated, Imagineer was literally my main competition. I always knew that strategically, Imagineer was NOT on my side and that me and him were essentially rivals in the grand scheme of things, but at the same time, every step of the way I admired his gameplay. At the end of the day, Imagineer ended up in 5th place that season, the best of any of the Wildcards. Imagineer's character really got going, however, when he joined forces with Season Nine collaborator Stratofarious for the Festival of Imagination. After a really rocky but overall pretty memorable first season, Imagineer really established himself as a very unique creative force. He has a mix of good creativity with a reputation for being outspoken and opinionated, which really isn't a bad thing. He's a great character, and now he's a top contender to return to the main game from Outcast Island come semi-finals.

Alright, I think the part of the blog the majority of you are most excited about is my whole "Napoleon Complex" thing regarding Disneyson1, so let's just jump to that right now. Seriously, could Disneyson possibly be in a better position than the one he's in right now? I mean, he's in a better position than KingMickey in Season Seven, and in a better position than I was after his elimination in Season Eight, where after that I had a fair share of enemies. Disneyson1 is completely running the show here. I think the dissolve of Team Davinson was the best thing that happened to Disneyson1 over the course of the first half of the season. Because of that event, he managed to get into Team Baxter and make himself a powerhouse, essentially guaranteeing himself the Golden Power of MVP. Now that he's got a hold of that power, he's practically unstoppable. Much like the Hidden Immunity Idol in Survivor, however, the trick to the Golden Power of MVP is all in the timing. You need to know when to use it, when you are being targeted, or else you'll waste it. Or, if you know someone's going to be eliminated and want to keep them around, the power could also be used for that. Either way, it's a big tool in Disneyson's bag of tricks. That, and now he's Team Leader and a dominant presence over Team Davis. He's seriously THE most powerful person to ever play this game, using sheer reputation, will power, and creative energy to drive his game forward. At this point, he's practically a lock for the Final Three. The only question is, will anyone be able to stand up and face him in the end?

If there's going to be a person like that...I don't think it's going to be Monkey. Sorry pal, but you're hanging on by a thread here. Monkey of course did have his shining moment in the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses project, but since then he's slid considerably under the radar. Like everyone else this season however, Monkey has a story. That's what I love about this game in general. It seems that no matter what happens, each person has a defining element and character trait to them that makes them stand out in their own way. With Monkey, we all know that particular strength lies in the field of comedy.

Finally, we come to Team Coats. Upon the sudden departure of ManEatingWreath, which as I said last post, is best described as a big "turning point", that left the once powerful team down to two members. Hack2112, who carried the team on more than one occasion, and Futureimagineer, who has broken out as the biggest new character of the season. These two are now in the minority here, and a big question is going to be...will people be voting along team lines? Honestly, I think AdvBlueDude is in a lot of trouble here. If you watched Survivor: Redemption Island...AdvBlueDude is the Matt Elrod to Disneyson's Rob Mariano. AdvBlueDude's character this season is all about a personal journey. We wanted a twist that would bring shockwaves to the game, and AdvBlueDude is the poster child for it. After all, this guy already has two instances of coming *this* close to the final project under his belt. It's only natural that the storyline for his third time out should be this way. Unfortunate timing has caused Adv to be the person who has contributed by far the least amount of brainstorming. This of course, puts an immediate target on his back. The only question will be if someone else gets a higher number of votes.

As for my take on how the rest of the season will play out...historically ever since we started the team format back in Season Six, the people that have been in the final project have, straight up, been in alliances together. It's never failed. Fantasmic!, HereWeGo, and PL7764 were all part of the "Yensid Three" in Season Six, KingMickey and Mater for sure had each other's backs in Season Seven, and of course my the three way alliance of myself, Jessiestudio, and Monkey made it all the way to the final three in Season Eight. If you don't want to use the word "alliance", at least having someone else's back can potentially be a very good thing in this game. As we start getting closer to the final project, and the PoMVP (which will return at the end of this project) having a greater and greater value, things are about to start getting intense. Fasten your seatbelts folks. It's been a really fun ride so far, and I can't wait to see where this game goes in the coming rounds.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Project Portal Commentary Part One

Now that's one for the record books!

Alright guys...I have to admit, when ManEatingWreath quit a few days ago...for half a second I kind of had a freak out in my mind, and even refereed to this season as "a joke' to him in a PM. You know what? This season IS a joke! It's a spectacular joke, and the thing I love about it is that literally every step of the way so far we've had turn of events that nobody saw coming. MickeyMania and Basketbuddy being eliminated early on set the tone for what was soon to be the flat out most unpredictable season in the game's history. I am really in love with this cast, we already have a few new people that I would gladly count as "All Stars", and everyone left in the game, including the people on Outcast Island, have been playing hard all season. ManEatingWreath described his departure from the game in a way I completely agree with...a turning point.

From the get go, "Project Portal" was all Strat's idea. I didn't know anything about the game, but Strat insisted that this be included in the group of projects. He had very specific ideas for what he wanted to see done. Portal is one of those things that is pretty widely talked about during the game, just in general, so naturally a few people were really looking forward to this. I'll admit, the story elements of this project really weren't handled in the way Strat wanted them to be handled, and I'll lay the blame on the fact that, again...were still pretty far behind schedule here. The whole outro of the project was planned out pretty far in advance, and me posting Project Six early basically ruined the continuity of the whole thing. I'd like to personally apologize for that particular interference.

As somewhat expected, the core of how this project played out was essentially, each team had a "go-to guy", who was wall versed in the world of Portal. Team Bluth had DWorld (who I must living up to his potential at this point!) Team Coats had the ever-allusive Hack2112, and Team Baxter of course had the mighty and towering Disneyson1. Each of these players really stepped up to the plate, resulting in three very different approaches to a wildly talked about project.

Team Bluth over on Outcast Island really blew me away this time. They were the first to get brainstorming, and they had a solid lead in total posts throughout the entire project. Granted, having more pages in your brainstorming thread doesn't always guarantee a winning project, but it is a pretty good indicator. Team Bluth, even though they were made up of people previously voted out, all contributed a very solid amount of brainstorming to the overall process. CostaFreak...sorry man. I've got to say, while you are definitely a helpful player, your sporatic nature pretty much makes it clear're never going to win this game. Bold statement of me to make, I know...and I'd love for you to prove me wrong, but CostaFreak...that's what makes your character shine. I'm not saying you have absolutely no chance, but your solid reputation of coming and going, always leaving some kind of a mark on every season you're on, but most of the time never really having a considerable shot at the winner's title. Season Eight was a really memorable season for you and it really brought your character full circle. With Season Nine, while like I said every time you do contribute, you contribute something useful, I feel like you're still just kind of playing from the sidelines. Unfortunately, if I don't see SOMETHING from Team Bluth when the projects get turned in, I might have to eliminate CostaFreak if he doesn't end up showing up. Definitely not something I WANT to do, but if you expect to survive on Outcast Island, you must at the very least compete on a project-by-project basis.

AdvBlueDude kind of took a backseat this project, but he deserved it. Thrill, meanwhile, is a big wildcard at this point. He's certainly not the loudest player in the bunch, but he's also had a lot of influence in the events of the season. It was Thrill that sent the infamous StarWarsGeek to Outcast Island, thus potentially ending his game. Then, Thrill gets sent to Outcast Island the very same project as StarWarsGeek, and has now managed to quietly win his way back into the main game. It was pretty obvious AdvBlueDude would be one of the people returning, but the other slot was completely up for grabs. It was a close vote. It ultimately came down to most everybody who cast a vote voting for AdvBlueDude, with one vote for CostaFreak and ultimately two votes for Thrill. Very close call. Oddly enough, DWorld was the only person to not receive a vote, in spite of really being the leader this past project and putting together what I consider to be the best overall project submitted so far this season. So essentially, each and every personality on Outcast Island really shined in their own way. Something tells me DWorld is going to come back sooner than you guys think, and who KNOWS what that's going to bring to the table. Remember, the Outsider's Ceremony is still up for grabs. I changed the rules so that instead of eliminating someone completely from Outcast Island, instead you'll chose someone from the main game and send them to Outcast Island in your place. The twist is still pretty brutal, but at least it's not game ending. Only POTENTIALLY game ending, haha. For all intents and purposes, Outcast Island really is working out how I wanted it to. It's a lot better than how Redemption Island worked out for Survivor. Basically what I wanted to see was a whole other element of gameplay emerge, and I think Outcast Island is really providing that. In general, I'm very satisfied with how this season is turning out, especially if it remains as unpredictable in the first half as it was in the second half. I don't care about the outcome of any one season, but I always appreciate when it's an unpredictable road to get there. I'd say Seasons five and six were probably about as unpredictable as they come, and ever since PL7764 took the title in one of my personal favorite wins the game has ever seen, I've constantly been looking for that next player who comes out of nowhere and takes the title completely by surprise. This season, the potential is definitely there.

In part two I'll discuss.

-My controversial low score for Team Baxter, and personally address Disneyson1 and his potential "Napoleon Complex".
-How ManEatingWreath's elimination will further impact the game, and the overall storyline of Team Coats.
-How I see the rest of the season potentially playing out.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Commentary: Season Nine, Project Four

I love where this season is going.

I'm just going to say this right now. Were about half way through the list of projects we have lined up, and already I can tell that this cast is really delivering. There have of course been a few sad events, such as MickeyMania dropping out and Basketbuddy getting caught up in his own schedule, but going into the big Portal project, I think the important thing we have to look at is that now we've got three VERY distinctive teams, each with devoted members who have varied backstories and have ALL taken various steps to get to where they are right now. That is what I'm most excited about. I'm excited about that, and I'm also really excited about the fact that exactly one project from now, we will have a complete merged team. That's right, Team Coats, Team Baxter, and two members from Team Bluth are all coming together to form one team of seven that will last all the way until the semi-finals. It will provide yet another layer of inner-dynamics to be worked through. Before we get to that, let's look at the three teams currently in play.

First, we have Team Baxter. The interesting thing about thee guys is that they're all complete...dare I say it...wild cards. Well, not so much Wild Cards, they just all ended up on Team Baxter by chance. Even Imagineer2017 only ended up as the Team Leader once AdvBlueDude opened Walt's Vault and got sent to Outcast Island. Then we had Monkey, who came over from Team Coats and really led the team to a great victory in the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses project. And now, Disneyson is also in the mix from the dissolve of Team Davinson. The big question mark with Disneyson at the start of this project was if he was going to be able to operate in this game now that he doesn't have the title of Team Leader. I shouldn't say it's an IF question, it's more of will he work this type question. Well, I think he and Imagineer really went hand in hand with the in-attraction dining project, and they both contributed an even amount of ideas. Now that we've come to the Portal project though, and it's a subject that Disneyson is OBSESSED with, will he, dare I say it...perhaps pull a Mouseketeercole one us? By that I mean, will he be able to use the other team members input equally while he himself has such clear and passionate ideas about the project. Honestly, this type of social situation is the type of stuff I like to see in the game, NOT back and forth malicious PM wars. Monkey, meanwhile, took a back seat this project with the PoMVP in his possession from his performance in project three. Monkey better be careful, because Imagineer and Disneyson are both HUGE personalities, and now he's dealing with a subject I have no idea if he knows anything about. Then again, Portal IS largely based on comedy, which we all know is Monkey's specialty. Should be an interesting round for everyone's favorite simian.

Team Coats is pretty much the exact opposite of Team Baxter. The three way trio of ManEatingWreath, Hack, and Futureimagineer has proved to be a powerful one. One of the dynamics I found really interesting this time around was DWorld and his interactions with this already established "unit". DWorld is a contestant that I really have my eye on. He stood up to me when I called him out on being "just there", and he also used the "s" word. S as in "strategy"...Perhaps he is one of those players that is just laying low for now. Now that he's on Outcast Island, however, he's going to HAVE to get noticed. Not much new to say about MEW this time around. (Hey, that rymthes!) He still continues to be a modest yet very powerful presence in the game. He took the somewhat low score the project received very well. ManEatingWreath doesn't want to pretend he's something he's not...or maybe...he's more than he's putting off. Who knows? All I know is that his storyline is yet another captivating storylines. Speaking of storylines...Hack is seriously on a roll here, and now he's got a whole project based on one of his all time favorite subjects. And then, you have Futureimagineer, who at this point is probably the most memorable new personality in the game. On paper, Futureimagineer is basically everything we want in a contestant. He contributes a lot of interesting ideas, he thinks outside the box, he's known for being strategic, and he won't just sit there and take a bad score. Rather the latter two are good or bad are up for debate, but they definitely make him a more interesting overall player. I'd say at this point, he's already earned a place among the "All Stars".

And lastly, there's Team Bluth. First of all, I have to say hats off to AdvBlueDude for sticking it through all this craziness. He's been really patient with the Outcast Island twist, and now, what do you know? He's actually got a strong team going on over at Team Bluth. DWorld and Thrill are both memorable Festival of Imagination personalities who have a lot to prove, but fortunately for them Outcast Island happens to be the perfect place to prove yourself. CostaFreak is just being CostaFreak, as always. He admits that he always falls into a chain of being gone for one day every season and that screwing him over. Again, Outcast Island might be his salvation. One thing I have to point out about Outcast Island and why going there does have some sort of cool merit to it is the fact that getting sent there means you're going to be directly involved in Strat's story. At the moment, we've got five very distinct personalities, and were also about to unleash the Outsiders into the story as characters, so I really think you guys are going to enjoy where the audiosodes are going. The thing on everyone's mind right now is...who is going to come back from Outcast Island, and what kind of an effect are they going to have on everyone's game? Time will tell. I can't wait to see what you guys do with the Portal project, and I'm even more excited to see what becomes of the merged team. This season is just a test drive for what's to come, but it's a really fun and unpredictable (if a bit bumpy...) test drive at that.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Commentary: Season Nine, Project Three

Hey guys. Sorry this took so long to get up. I'm not really going to have much of an introduction this time around, I just want to jump in and talk about the project itself. Early on in the sign-up stages of the game, there was a bit of a demand for a ThatGuyWithTheGlasses themed project. At first, I didn't really know what to make of it. I was like "what...a Nostalgia Critic ride??" Then, I realized that doing a "Theme Park Critic" concept could open the door to a lot of new areas in the game that have previously gone unexplored. For starters, it was the first time the contestants were really allowed to let their inner "theme park nerd" show through and start complaining about the not-so-great parts of theme parks as a focal point of the project. I also really enjoyed the crossover appeal that this sort of thing had, and the results were fairly impressive. I really have to give props to Disneyson1 this project for coming up with that killer audio clip. I'm loving the way the game is evolving into a more multi-media driven format. While written projects are still what make up the majority of the finished products, I think it's really cool when people think outside the box like the audio clip or the PDF file Team Coats presented in Project Two. Not going to say much about Season Ten right away (there will be a few MAJOR announcements about that at the end of this season...) but I'll tell you right now Season Ten will push these boundaries in even greater directions. Season Ten is going to be incredibly interactive, but I don't want to give away too much too fast, so we'll just leave it at that.

I think I'd like to address the players on a team by team basis. I'll start with the winning team this round, Team Baxter. I had some reservations about the project itself, but the way it was handled and presented, and the way the team interacted together, really made me proud. I think this project really proved that Monkey4057 is indeed a big power player. He's not the loudest player in the game, but he really knows how to drive home an idea, and he plays off of his strengths incredibly well. Imagineer2017 is also really crafty. He kind of employed the whole "throw a project" thing last project in order to secure getting Monkey transfered over to his team...sneaky, sneaky. Really interesting especially considering in my infamous "Mastermind Speech" I specifically mentioned that throwing a project was the one strategic move I personally regretted. But hey, I'm not going to condemn him at this point. He got exactly what he wanted, and now Team Baxter is kind of on a roll. Meanwhile you have CostaFreak, who is just all over the place this season. Like always, CF has the habit of vanishing for days at a time, but this season, whenever he DOES show up (and it's a considerable enough amount of times...) he usually contributes either awesome material, or at least very valuable words of wisdom. Everyone knows CostaFreak is this game's chief senior member, so he's got a lot of respect going for him this time around. Overall, the three of them really do make a likable underdog team.

Meanwhile, we have Team Davinson. This team took a hit right at the start of the project when MickeyMania forfeited for personal reasons. MickeyMania was one of THE star players of the season, and him and Disneyson made a noticeably good team. Loosing MickeyMania, perhaps I think sent Disneyson a little out of his element this time around. The communication at Team Davinson simply wasn't as strong. Thrill is definitely a "wild card" at this point, I'll give him that much. He sent StarWarsGeek to Outcast Island via Walt's Vault, and now he's been sent to Outcast Island himself. He's not the most active person, but he did manage to get second place on Festival of Imagination, so he's proved that he can last in a competitive environment. But So, You Want to be an Imagineer is a lot tougher of a landscape than Festival of Imagination, so Thrill might be in some trouble, especially if he doesn't get back from WDW soon. DWorld, on the other hand, is another question mark. Again, one of the most worthy new players to appear in Festival of Imagination, DWorld hasn't really done anything noteworthy yet. He contributes to the brainstorming and all that, but in terms of storyline or major contributions, he is kind of a player who is just..."There". No disrespect to him, of course. I understand how time consuming this game can be and we can't all have huge storylines and jaw-dropping projects. I think DWorld has a lot of potential, right now it just kind of feels like he's in a sort of hibernation.

And lastly, we have the almighty Team Coats. I really wish Futureimagineer would have been around for Fans Vs. Favorite to start out with, because he is definitely the biggest FAN of this game I've ever seen. On top of that, the kid really does have a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He's a known strategist, and he also is one of the most active brainstormers in the entire game, as well as being the person behind this team's 10/10 scoring PDF file last project. Then you have ManEatingWreath. MEW is not really the Team Leader we all thought he'd be, but I think that's a good thing. Throughout the course of the first few projects this season, MEW has shown a real vulnerability. First he was in the famous 3D or not 3D debate on the first project, in the loosing side. His team pumped out an excellent project last season, but they kind of faltered a little here. I think it came mostly down to the fact that his team kind of fell apart at the last minute due to everyone's personal schedules conflicting. A case of bad timing, really. That's all it boils down to. In spite of this though, I do think it's interesting that MEW has displayed a notable lack of self confidence as a Team Leader. His team's still on the top of the scoreboard, and don't get me wrong, he's doing a great job. I think think it's a interesting tidbit that he's not playing super-confident like I was. Lastly on Team Coats we have Hack, who I can only describe as a "hero". I mean, I was truly moved by his huge display of being a great team player this project. Hack might not exactly be the absolute best creative player in this game, though he does have a lot of really good ideas. I think the interesting thing about Hack is that really, he's more of a social player. He's just an all around likable, good guy. His claim to fame is being eliminated before his time, so I really think he's on a personal journey this season to prove he can go the distance. I'm excited to see how far his journey will take him. He's definitely one of the more unique personalities we've seen in our nine seasons.

Meanwhile, on Outcast Island...StarWarsGeek continues to display a lack of proper social skills. Sorry SWG, you're a great kid and a big fan of the game, but you are a little too confrontational and in-your-face, and that's a serious game flaw. I still think StarWarsGeek will be around for a while (hopefully he'll resurface soon...) but his character's stock definitely went down this project due to his back and forth bickering with AdvBlueDude and his lapses in activity. While were on the subject of AdvBlueDude, at this point it would surprise me if he WASN'T the person voted back into the main game. This guy has put up with a lot of crap, especially considering he came *this close* to the finals...TWICE, only to WIN Festival of Imagination, JUST to be the first person sent to Outcast Island before the game even started. He's been biding his time, mostly. I'm pretty bummed he never presented a project the past couple rounds, but I understand his predicament. Team Bluth NEEDS to start producing projects though, I'm serious. Be sure to have something in for Project Four.

And lastly, I want to talk about the new team division. DWorld has gone to Team Coats, but I think the three way team of MEW, Hack, and Futureimagineer is too strong to break, and if Coats ends up loosing, DWorld will be the next one headed to Outcast Island. Disneyson going to Team Baxter is the biggie. With him on their team, they seem almost unstoppable. Project Two was a big project for Team Coats, and that 10/10 is a big reason they're still ahead in the leaderboards. They're going to have to really hustle if they want to stay ahead. Disneyson is a huge threat no matter how you look at it. Interestingly enough, this is going to be the first time we've seen Disneyson not in a Team Leader position. To me I think it'll play out more like KingMickey going to the Fans in Season Seven though. He's really going to push Team Baxter over the edge and into greatness. Team Coats has a lot of work on their hands.

One thing I have to say is that I'm really enjoying how my expectations are shifting on a project-to-project basis. We already lost Basketbuddy and MickeyMania, the two most talked about players pre season. Last blog I called StarWarsGeek THE main character of the season, and now he's a mere footnote in the grand scheme of things. Things are shifting and turning each and every project, and I'm loving it. I have no idea WHO is going to win at this point, I just know that Disneyson is probably everyone's main competition. I've got to say, I'm kind of hoping for another PL7764 style winner. Those are always the most fun. At any rate, I'll be on the edge of my seat whatever happens. You guys are doing an amazing job, and I think the next couple projects are really going to dramatically shift the core structure of the game even more. Keep your seatbelts fastened, kids!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Commentary: Season Nine, Project Two

Hello, one and all. What a project that was, eh? All I can say is, I'm EXTREMELY relieved that we got through it with little to no causalities. I'll start where I left off, with my thoughts on the Team Pick 'Em. From the get go, this concept was one of the main driving forces behind planning for Season Nine. In the past seasons where we've had teams, the teams have either been divided up pre-game (Season Six) or was new players vs. returning players (Fans vs. Favorites, All Stars vs. Wild Cards). For the first time ever, I really wanted the Team Leaders to get in on picking their teams. I must say, there were a few surprises. First off, I never expected the mysterious Eskimokyle (who is currently DOA) to be the first one picked, and I also never expected Basketbuddy to be the one picked to go to Outcast Island.

But alas, this season really does have a backwards feel to it compared to what we usually expect, doesn't it? I mean here we are, just starting out the third project, and my pre-game cast assessment has been proven completely wrong. I listed Basketbuddy as the most likely person to win, and MickeyMania as the most likely newcomer to go far. BOOM! Both gone the first round of team play. Talk about shocking, huh? I'm REALLY going to miss MickeyMania. He just seems like a genuinely good person and a multi-talented Imagineer in training. Really hoping he'll show up for Season Ten. Basketbuddy, on the other hand just got bogged down with a personal schedule, but it's pretty shocking to me considering all throughout the pre-game he really seemed in this thing to win. These two being eliminated definitely evens the playing field a bit.

And speaking of my expectations being thrown off...seriously, MAD PROPS to Futureimagineer. This guy has gone from the single person in the cast I was LEAST excited about to becoming a major power player almost overnight. He put together an amazing presentation, contributes tons of ideas, and has a crafty, strategic side to him. I seriously just LOVE this new addition to our cast.

But the thing I know you guys all want me to get to is the most controversial event in the history of the game. I never expected things to EVER get as chaotic as they were during the fatal and infamous Season Eight, Project Eight. Well...they did. All I can say is, I kind of feel like a kid who has just gotten caught with his hand in a cookie jar. I wanted to see some serious alliances and major power moves this season, but I never expected anything on the mass level of hysteria of the event that we shall officially call "PM-Gate".

PM-Gate started when I got two PMs, one from MEW, one from Imagineer2017, explaining that they had been offered multiple alliances and were on razor's edge with not being able to trust anyone. As soon as you could say "Johnny Fairplay" the entire game came to a screeching halt as we tried to figure out exactly who was behind this mass string of PMs. There was a point where I really wasn't sure if the game could even survive this madness. I've explained this before, I'll explain this again. The key difference between PM-Gate and my "Mastermind" gameplay during Season Eight is that nothing that I did was malicious. I targeted Disneyson simply because he was a HUGE threat, no other reason. Sure, I had my fair share of mindgames, but I never directly made any sort of "hit-list" or at any point rubbed any one person the wrong way so much that they'd want to quit. There were certainly people who disagreed with my playing style, most notably AdvBlueDude and Imagineer2017, but these were more or less friendly rivalries, not open ended warfare.

That being said, I have to give it to StarWarsGeek. This kid is like...the MAIN character of the entire season. Who would have thought? He's spent the entire last season studying my game and preparing himself, and came up with a strategy that blew anything I did completely out of the water. It was only when I saw exactly how much harm this aggressiveness caused the main game that I kind of sunk in my chair a little bit and realized exactly what I had done. That phrase "I've created a monster...", yeah, it was very much in effect here. StarWarsGeek, however, is no monster. He's a dedicated fan of the game and a crafty, unpredictable player. He's got some major lessons to learn about how to socially integrate into a team, but he's a player who is out to win, and will be in it as long as he can. While his actions caused things to get slightly out of hand, I applaud him for being so ambitious with this game to begin with.

So now that PM-Gate is over with, I obviously don't want to hear anything else about mass PM warfare going on behind the scenes. The magic of this game in the first place, and you should all know this by now, is the fact that ANYONE can win and there are multiple routes you can take to get yourself to the finals. Make no mistake, I'm not FORCING you to have a strategic game and big moves, but what I do want to see, should you make the allusive Final Three, is a layout of your plan to get yourself there and how you accomplished it. This doesn't have to involve slitting throats less and less, but I definitely want to see you guys have an awareness of your position and steps you took to get yourself to the finals. Even if it was "avoid strategy at all costs...", that's still a GAMEPLAN. That's exactly what I'm looking for.

Anyways, I want to talk a little bit about Outcast Island. I think for now on, if you don't contribute anything to the Outcast Island brainstorming thread on a project to project basis, you should be eliminated on the spot. Players like Eskimokyle, who mysteriously dropped out of thin air at the start of Project Two, and DisneyParksFanatic, who has been floating along by dropping ideas every so often, are on thin ice, and if I don't see them post anything, they'll both be eliminated this round, no questions asked. Getting sent to Outcast Island should be your wake-up call. If you don't do anything to improve your standing the project after you get sent there, you don't deserve any more chances. I'm hoping the amount of activity on Outcast Island will improve as more people get sent there. I kind of expected the first project to be a blow out. Let's see if Adv and SWG can avoid last place this time around.

And...that's about it. All I can say guys, is that there's not really a lot I can do about "strategy". I understand that it can potentially be a pitfall for the game, but I think the think we all have to work on is just making sure it doesn't get out of hand. If we can all be mature about it and, above everything else, avoid directly targeting people and other sorts of malicious activity, we should be fine. I want this season to be FUN, not a stressful warzone. I'll be monitoring this situation very closely and will let you know the SECOND things start to get out of hand if they do, so we can collectively make steps to fix them. The one thing I can think of is just eliminating voting all together and just having the judges chose who gets eliminated every project, ala Season Six, but I want to give you guys another shot at this, as I think how you integrate yourself into a team is just as important as any creative merit you might possess. Alright, well...let me just say I'm still really proud of you all and I'm LOVING this cast. It should be obvious by now that eliminations will come a little faster than you're used to just because we are currently behind schedule, but overall I think this season is going to flow really well. Now, get back to brainstorming!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Season Nine, Project One commentary

Hello everyone. It's been a pretty exciting couple of weeks, hasn't it? While Project One hasn't been fully posted yet, I really want to get the ball rolling on posting project by project commentary just to get you guys even more in tune with my thought process. Though Project One was certainly stressful, I think each and everyone of you for the most part handled yourselves really well, and I'm thrilled we have such a diverse cast and an interesting dynamic this time around.

As I've already said numerous times, the reason why we started off with another big group project after the somewhat ill-fated one last season was just because we wanted to give the three Team Leaders the chance to work with the rest of the cast to make proper choices come the Team Pick 'Em. This is the last time were going to do this, since the obvious lesson to be learned is no matter what happens, things are going to be disorganized.

I'd like to highlight a few personal storylines that I'm keeping an eye on. The first involves Eskimokyle. This is definitely a contestant to keep an eye on. He started the project out guns blazing, and even had a sort of communication breakdown. From there, he was somewhat under the radar, but still made at least a big enough impression to be the first person picked in the Pick 'Em. He's already living up to his potential.

The storyline with ManEatingWreath and the 3D or NOT 3D (hey, I kind of like that...) debate. This got pretty heated, and ultimately I don't even know if there's going to be 3D or not. I found it very interesting that inspite of having more power than most of the cast, MEW was outnumbered this time around and sort of an underdog in this debate. Another unexpected turn of events.

Unfortunately, potential strategist and personal friend of mine Monsterzendog just couldn't get into the game and ended up going DOA. He has been eliminated and won't be a part of the standings this season. Maybe one day I'll convince him to give the game a real go. I know it is daunting to just jump into a big thing like this. That's why I give most of this cast so much credit.

Speaking of credit where credit is due, by far the most surprising new addition to the cast is Futureimagineer. In my cast assessment, I basically said I saw him having the least potential out of anyone. All I can say is, nice way to prove me wrong. This kid really has potential. He struggled through the brainstorming because of his unfamiliarity with the source material, but when all was said and done he wound up one of the most devoted people on the project, even going as far as offering himself up to put the finished product together. I really like what I see in him. He'll definitely be one of the big people on my radar.

I was a bit let down by Basketbuddy's performance this project, but then again, I really think he might be intentionally flying under the radar. His sole contribution to the project though, his great 3D concept art, is definitely something that still put him on people's radars. I'm hoping that Basketbuddy will thrive when put on a smaller team. I think a lot of people are in this situation. Hack2112 was very verbal about his dislike of big group projects, but at the same time I see Hack as one of the contestants with the most potential. He's definitely got his heart in it, and I really think he'll be here a while.

MickeyMania1 started out strong, but then unfortunately fell ill about a week into the project. He seems to have resurfaced, so again I hope he can thrive on a smaller team. In my cast assessment I listed him as the most promising new contestant, and he still shows a lot of potential. Startwarsgeek, meanwhile, lived up to his reputation as a likable, scrappy underdog. He might not be the strongest contestant creatively, and he definitely lacks in the presentation department, but the kid has determination, and that's one of the main things you need in this game.

So all in all, things are running smoothly. There's already been one shocking twist, and I promise you, it will be the first of many. AdvBlueDude has decided to open Walt's Vault, and as a result has been sent to Outcast Island as the Team Leader for the Outcast team. This season really is a reinvention of the game. Twists like the Golden Power of MVP, Walt's Vault, and Outcast Island itself, will really play a large part in the fabric of how this season ultimately plays out. I can only hope the concepts run as smoothly as I see them running in my head.

So that's about it. Right now, I just hope the teams are divided as soon as possible so you guys can really get the ball rolling on the brainstorming for Project Two. I'm excited for the book project. It's one of the many projects this season where we step completely out of theme parks at large while still having the subject matter very much rooted in the theme park genre. I can't wait to see what you guys do with it. This is the best cast we've ever had, and I'm dying to see how this whole thing plays out. Have fun guys, I'll be watching anxiously and cheering all of you on!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Season Nine Cast Assessment

Hello, one and all, and welcome to a brand new, exciting start to the So, You Want to be an Imagineer franchise. Season Eight ended in a wave of controversy that seemed to cloud that entire season, with me dropping out in the final project after my infamous "mastermind speech" and Jessie going on to win. Well, the dust has settled, and were about to start our greatest adventure yet. Join me, will you, taking a look at the sixteen people who have been cast a one way ticket to a tropical island. Filled with mystery, danger, and a looming second "Outcast Island", this new group is going to have to survive an onslaught of brand new projects, brave their way through new and exciting twists, and ultimately outplay eachother on the quest for the title of the ninth So, You Want to be an Imagineer Winner. Let's get the small talk out of the way and get to the cast itself. I'll go in alphabetical order...

AdvBlueDude: Now here's a guy with a story. He came on in Fans Vs. Favorites to become the last Fan standing, being the last eliminated before the final showdown between Mater and KingMickey that season. In Season Eight, Adv played a near flawless game. Under the radar when he had to be, ready to be in a leadership position, and always pumping out quality material. Adv once again got eliminated RIGHT before the finals, rarely getting beaten by Monkey for a chance at the Final Three. Now, Adv is back and more determined than ever to get to the Finals. He's basically turned into a prototype for what all new players should strive to be. He's outgoing, hard working, and always comes out with something creative. He'll be one of the main people to root for this season.

BasketBuddy101: I never thought we'd get this guy back. He DOMINATED literally all of the first four seasons of the game. His elimination in Season One is still one of the most talked about eliminations of all time, and he went on to steamroll into the Final Two twice and finally winning in Season Four. Since then, he's been in hibernation, but he's finally returned for another go. The game has evolved a lot since Basketbuddy has played. The big question will be rather or not he can adapt to the more pronounced social elements of the game. I KNOW he's going to be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the creative side of the game. I think BB is going to be another main character in the fabric of the season, and one of the BIG questions will be...can he win twice? It's a daunting question, and one I can't wait to see the answer to. At this point, if I had to throw my money on any one person, I'd throw it on Basketbuddy.

CostaFreak: Oh, good old fashion CostaFreak. It really wouldn't be a true season of So, You Want to be an Imagineer without him showing up. This guy has played the game more times than anyone, and has gotten eliminated really early due to unfortunate circumstance most of those times. He's had three really strong performances though. He got all the way to the semi-finals in Season One, and made it to the final project in Season Five. When he returned in Season Eight, he turned out to be one of that season's most memorable storylines and characters, despite only coming in eight place. CostaFreak is a HUGE personality, and you know he's got a few tricks up his sleeve. Do I think he can win...honestly, he's going to have a tough time with this crowd...but it's always a blast to see him try!

DisneyParksFanatic: I really don't know what to make of this guy. He's been around the boards for a while, but hasn't really shown much of an interest in the game until now. Kind of a surprise of a sign up, if you ask me. Honestly, I really don't know what to say about him. He's got some experience under his belt, but none in the actual game. I think only time will tell how he fares. One of the biggest question marks in the cast.

Disneyson1: Disneyson1 is bar-none one of the most powerful people to ever play this game, and he's only been in a few projects. He had such a dominant hold over the early rounds of All Stars vs. Wild Cards that EVERYONE knew he'd be in the finals if I hadn't taken him out with the infamous Staflos Power. Well...he's back, and he's more determined than ever to run this game in a big way. Disneyson is a polarizing character. He could be your greatest asset and your biggest competition at the same time. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, and his level of detail reaches levels once seen only by someone like Basketbuddy. Disneyson coming back into this game is definitely one of the headlining events of this season, and has been since before this season's planning even really started to take form. He's got the power of a Team Leader again, the only question is, what is he going to do about the inevitable huge target that will be on his back?

DWorld: DWorld was one of the headlining forces of Festival of Imagination before shockingly dropping out at the semi-finals (along with Disneyson and MEW) Having said that, in his rounds playing the complimentary game to So, You Want to be an Imagineer, which is no picnic itself, DWorld definitely showed a lot of potential that could be brought even further in the landscape of the main game. I'm a bit worried about DWorld because from what I recall he's still going to be in school when the season picks up, but I know that if he can get in a good system of brainstorming with his team, he can last a long time in this game. One of the new players I'm most excited about taking a stab at this.

Eskimokyle: This guy showed up completely out of nowhere to round out our cast of fifteen, which has since been extended. I've got to say, just based on his answers to the survey questions in the sign up thread, he seems to have a really good head on his shoulders. Of course, as is the potential to happen with any person who shows up out of the blue, he could fade right away, but there's always one or two new people with answers to the sign up questions that just...stand out to me. The legendary PL7764 (who I'd LOVE to see play again at some point in the future) and AdvBlueDude are two of those people. Eskimokyle is another one. I warmly welcome Kyle into the So, You Want to be an Imagineer family and can't wait to see what kind of tricks he has up his sleeves.

Futureimagineer: Futureimagineer's been lurking in some of the other threads on this board, so I figured I'd send him an invite to compete in the main competition. Do I think Futureimagineer can go all the way?...No, not really. This is his first time playing or even hearing about the game, and he doesn't have a handle on it yet. Having said that, there's always a couple "underdog" characters per season that go on to really surprise me, and Futureimagineer could be one of those people. I think this kid's going to have it hard, but I also think if he's dedicated enough to the game, Outcast Island could really be served in his favor. Not saying he has NO chance, just saying he's going to have a pretty big mountain to overcome, being so unfamiliar with the format of the game.

Hack2112: I don't think any returning player in the history of the game has more to prove than Hack does right here...right now. Hack had a GREAT storyline going in Fans Vs. Favorites where he was the one lone new player on the Favorites team (due to his status as a judge on another contest) where he actually took on a Team Leader role after the coupe of memorably power-hungry Team Leader JPhelps in the first project. From there, he lead his team to victory on numerous occasions, but after the Team Swap got lost in the shuffle a bit. After he was eliminated, he participated in the first attempt at an Outcast twist pre-Outcast Island...but that twist didn't work out so great, because he was left all on his own to create a great project. Well...he did that, and won himself a ticket back into the main game...only to be voted out by the Treacherous Trio of KingMickey, Mater, and TrevorA in what was the only move of that alliance that I to this day am absolutely sure was strategy-based. (Argue it all you want, guys, the fact of the matter is Trevor was the obvious elimination that round, NOT Hack...) Hack returned for All Stars vs. Wild Cards, where he made a strong impression on the first project before unfortunately having to withdraw from the game due to personal issues. Now, Hack's got one of the best personal stories of all time going on, and as essentially the poster child for the "Wild Card" bracket of players, I think he just wants to earn his All Star wings more than anything else this season. Pending another identity theft crisis, I think he's got a pretty good shot of doing that.

Imagineer2017: Now here's an interesting character. In Season Eight, Imagineer really drew the line between hero and villain. On one hand, he stood up to me...the biggest villain the game has ever seen, more than anyone else in the cast, on the other hand...he was outspoken with pretty much everyone. Imagineer came on as a very last minute casting call for Season Eight, and he managed to make it all the way to the Final Five. Very strong showing for someone's first time through. He's got an obvious talent with Imagineering, and his experience running Festival of Imagination I imagine has only further strengthened his appreciation for the game. Imagineer is definitely going to be a quiet force to be reckoned with this season. I can't wait to see his play style this time around.

ManEatingWreath: MEW is going to be the MAIN character of this season, no matter what happens. He is going to be the hero, the voice of moral conflict, the man vying the thin role between hero and villain. MEW's got a strategy, and I can't wait to see what it is and how he goes about it. I doubt he's going to be cutting throats left and right like I did last season, but I'd still be careful, because he's going to have a much more subtle strategic game than my upfront "mastermind" role, and there might still be a few throats to be cut in the process. As MEW himself will tell you time and time again, he coined the phrase "getting Lord of the Ring'd" in the first and only time he played in Season Five, where his fast track to winning that season was cut abruptly short when he bombed the infamous semi-finals project that season themed to Lord of the Rings. MEW's only played the game one time, but he's a HUGE character within the fabric of everything. Hate to say it Garrett...but all eyes are going to be on YOU going in. Hope you're up for it!

MickeyMania1: Out of all the new players this season, I think I'm most excited to see MickeyMania1. This kid's got PASSION, and that's the MAIN thing you need in this game. He's a very recognizable presence on the VF community at large, and this is his first time playing the game. It's always exciting to get someone whose a big part of VF at large to come in and play. As I've said before, MickeyMania has got a really passion for Imagineering, and that's why I think he'll go far. I think he's going to be an exceptional team player with a great attitude, and that will get him a lot in this game. He's going to have a lot of heavy competition, but he's got a really good shot at this just based on how excited he seems and all the potential he seems to possess. If I were to bet on one new player to take this whole thing, I'd bet on MickeyMania.

Monkey4057: Monkey is one of the most unique characters we've ever had. Coming into Season Eight he was a HUGE underdog against some of the bigger names that season. He found a niche for himself though, and a niche unlike any other person in the history of the game has been able to find. Monkey works VERY well with comedy based projects. That right there is his area of expertise, and he can put together a comedy attraction better than anyone. Some of his later projects in Season Eight, like Young Frankenstein and the Spaceballs ride, were among the most memorable projects that entire season. Plus, he's got a bit of a strategic side to him, as he joined forces with me and Jessie to form a super-alliance that season that carried the three of us all the way to the final project. Coming into Season Nine, Monkey is a much more seasoned player than he was the first two times he played, and there will be at least a few projects this season that will REALLY play to his strengths. He's still somewhat of an underdog compared to some of his competition, but I can't wait to see him take another crack at this with the experience he has under his belt.

Monsterzendog: This guy is a personal friend of mine, and someone who I've been talking to about the game for a long time. I let him know about my mastermind antics every step of the way during Season Eight, and he seemed really impressed with how they turned out, and now wants to try a similar strategy. Monsterzendog is a pretty big question mark in this cast. I know this guy has A LOT of free time on his hands, which is a unifying trait for most great So, You Want to be an Imagineer players. The only question will be if he can overcome his shortcoming of not actually being too familiar with Disney parks. If he lasts a couple rounds, this guy could be a really dangerous player. I don't know what's on his mind, all I know is that he wants to follow in my footsteps when it comes to playing an aggressive strategic game. Rather or not his plans fall into fruition is another story.

Starwarsgeek: This kid knows what his strengths and weaknesses are very clearly, and knowing that early on is a good way to establish your place in this game. His obvious strength is that I think he might be more excited about playing this season than MOST of the cast, considering he jumped in mid-Season Eight itching to play but had to wait until now for his chance to throw his hat in the ring. He was an active participant on Festival of Imagination, and now he'll for sure be a very root-worthy "underdog" in So, You Want to be an Imagineer. His weakness, as anyone who has worked with him can say, is his grammar skills, which is something that is somewhat critical to the presentation aspect of this game. If Starwarsgeek can overcome this shortcoming, I see a lot of potential in him. Like Futureimagineer, I could see Outcast Island being this kid's best friend this season. The important thing is that he's DEDICATED, and you need dedication more than anything else if you want a chance for success in this game.

Thrill: Thrill came from out of nowhere to join the Festival of Imagination, and wouldn't you know it...he has made it all the way to the final project, and it seems he might have a very good chance of winning the whole thing, and the key to Walt's Vault that comes along with it. I like Thrill a lot. He seems to be a very good prototype for the type of new player were looking for. He's pretty much a blank slate. You don't really know what he's up to, you just know that he's got a ton of good ideas locked up into his head. Going into Season Nine, he'll definitely be someone to look out for, rather or not he or AdvBlueDude ends up winning Festival of Imagination. Not much to say about him other than I already like what I see of him and I can't wait to see how far he can take his game in the main competition.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So, You Want to Know the Scoop Behind Season Nine?

Hello people. I know it's been a long time coming, and yes, I fully admit that I have more or less practically forgotten about this blog. A LOT has changed since I last posted in it, which was I believe a random commentary for a project back in Season Seven. Since then, Season Eight has come and gone, we've seen a new winner in Jessiestudio, I played the most aggressive strategic game of all time and thus got branded as the biggest villain of all time as a result. What I think everyone wants to know is...what's next?

Well...that's a fairly valid question. My Season Nine teaser was rather loose on real details, but I can tell you right now that Season Nine is going to be the most meticulously planned out season by a pretty considerable margin. There's a reason why the hiatus is unusually long, and the hiatus between seasons is probably going to get longer from Season Ten on. It's not because the game is having problems...kind of the opposite. I just feel that more planning leads to better produced overall seasons. With the game as popular as it currently is, one of the big things I'm going to be looking for is getting a really solid cast together. A big thing I have to say I'm excited about is the way we are going to divide the teams in Season Nine. Obviously, I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say, the teams will be divided in a way we've never done before until now. Walt's Vault will also be back to cause a whole new mess of havoc on the opening rounds of Season Nine. While Walt's Vault wasn't the most successful of twists overall, I've always been taught to never give up on a good idea, and Walt's Vault was a pretty good idea. As I've previously announced, the only way to get your hands on the Vault for sure is to win Strat and Imagineer's Festival of Imagineering, which I want to encourage everyone to sign up for.

A huge question mark of season nine is going to be these new "Power Players" I keep hyping. Seriously, be on a look out for these types of players. Season Nine is going to be a potent mix of returning All Stars, including the obvious key Team Leader pairing of MEW and Disneyson, new people familiar with the game and the board, and a few recruited people that I feel will make huge and challenging opponents.

One more thing...Stratofarious has signed on as the third judge of Season Nine, as well as a Creative Collaborator. He will then return to the game as a Team Leader in Season Ten. I'd like to welcome Strat with open arms as the newest member of the So, You Want to be an Imagineer "Team" that consists of basically me, King, and MEW. If you feel like you'd like to be a member of the "Team" (specifically, we could really use a graphic designer...) just drop me a PM. Believe me, we can use all the help we can get...

Well folks, that's about all there is to say. I just kind of wanted to resurrect the blog and hype up Season Nine a bit more, really. What can I say, I'm a shameless self-promoter. Again, I really would like to encourage anyone wanting to play in Season Nine to sign up for Strat and Imagineer's Festival of Imagineering. Not only will the winner receive the keys to Walt's Vault, I really want this game to be a supplementary contest to So, You Want to be an Imagineer, and have it be a really fun way to flex your creative muscles on on soon to be even longer, and dreaded "off-seasons". Oh yeah...and like I've already announced, I also plan on doing two lists, the Top Twelve Players of the First Generation and the Top Twelve Projects of the First Generation, so look for those some time in the near future. I'd like to welcome you all back to the blog, and here's to a creatively productive "Off Season".